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A warm welcome from the Year 1 team!

Class Teachers:  



                 Miss Rattigan                           Mrs Keenan

Please feel free to contact any of us on Class Dojos if you have any questions.

As a team, we work hard to support each child to reach their full potential, build confidence and independence and to approach learning in a happy and contented manner helping them grow into well-rounded individuals.

In the mornings, we focus on Maths and Literacy (including spelling, grammar, phonics and reading).   In the afternoons, we use a topic-based approach to teach the remainder of the curriculum which includes such subjects as History, Geography, PSHCE, R.E, Science and French.  Design and Technology, Art, I.C.T and Music are taught as discrete subjects.

To aid with the transition from Foundation Stage into Year 1, children will be given child-initiated learning time each day where they will be able to facilitate their own learning inside the classroom. As the year progresses, the timetable slowly becomes a little more structured and formal. 

What to remember, when...

Wednesday Homework handed in.

New homework handed out.

Please ensure you child has their P.E kit for Jumptastic today.

Monday  and Friday.  Please ensure your child has their P.E kit for P.E today.


Homework will be given weekly on a Friday and handed in on a Wednesday. Homework is linked to what the children have been doing in class over the week and allows them to practise and reinforce the skills that they have been developing at school.


Reading books are changed weekly in Year 1. Please ensure that reading books and reading records are in your child's book bag every day to facilitate this. Please support your child's reading by listening to them read as much as possible. We would recommend a daily reading of 10 minutes. As well as listening to your child read, we encourage you to read to your child as much as possible, which helps them develop their language and listening skills, as well as their imagination, understanding of the world and enjoyment of reading.


This term, our topics will be 'Where We Live' and 'Where in the World'.

We will be going on a local walk around Borehamwood.


 Our Science Topics are 'Identifying Animals' and 'Weather'.


  Year 1 - Non-negotiables 

Year 1 - Long term plan 




YR 1 AUTUMN TERM NEWSLETTER 2024 - click here  

YR 1 SPRING  TERM NEWSLETTER 2025 - click here

YR 1 SUMMER TERM NEWSLETTER 2025 - click here